Should I Pay Debt Or Invest?
Carter McClung Carter McClung

Should I Pay Debt Or Invest?

When you pay off debt, you guarantee yourself a fixed simple interest rate of return. When you invest, you guarantee yourself a compounded rate of return. How do you begin to choose?

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Is My Money Safe?
Carter McClung Carter McClung

Is My Money Safe?

Silicon Valley Bank collapsed. Naturally, this has raised widespread concern as depositors and investors are questioning their confidence in banks.

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How To Invest In Times Of Uncertainty
Carter McClung Carter McClung

How To Invest In Times Of Uncertainty

Construct a portfolio that gives you the highest return per unit of risk. Looking backwards, this is easy. Looking forward, this is hard. How do you manage this uncertainty?

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Why don't we do, what we know we should do?
Carter McClung Carter McClung

Why don't we do, what we know we should do?

If you’ve ever found it easier to give advice than implement advice, you’re not alone. It’s more common to know what to do than to implement what’s common. If we know what to do, why don’t we do it?

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Necessity of Discipline & Money
Carter McClung Carter McClung

Necessity of Discipline & Money

Success with your personal finances often hides behind boring solutions and underused basic insights. Being disciplined with the fundamentals is not cool or sexy - it just works.

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Why Investors Fail
Carter McClung Carter McClung

Why Investors Fail

The reason few achieve wealth is because everyone wants to get rich quick - no one wants to get rich slow. The former is a wise tale, the latter is reality.

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